A beginner’s Guide: What is Mutual Fund & its advantages?

Introduction: Everyone seeks to grow their money along with time without doing anything. One such tool is the stock market, where you can invest your money for a certain period and ride on the growth wave as the company grows due to the founder and employees’ hard work. You must have heard about Warren […]
All About IPO Funding Under 2 Minutes!

IPO Funding is a simple credit concept where a loan is facilitated to you by Hindustan Tradecom for your IPO Investment. Being a very niche concept, most people in India are unaware of this type of loan and its process. For any queries, you can check the official website of Hindustan Tradecom by clicking here. […]
E-KYC: From lengthy account opening booklet to a paperless digital signature

Know Your Customer (KYC) is a mandated service required by banks and other financial institutions before providing any kind of financial services. The sole purpose of KYC is to establish the identity of the requesting individual and verify their credentials with the record. In earlier times, KYC used to be a physical process where you […]
Why do companies issue IPO and Its benefits?

IPO stands for ‘Initial Public Offering’ that are the public shares issued by any first-time listed company in the stock market. IPOs are issued by the companies when it seeks to raise funds from the public or to get their shares listed on the stock exchange for the first time. In both cases, the general […]